Greetings in Yahwah, Elohiym of Yisra'el who revealed
Himself to us in His Son, our Master, Yahshua Ha Mashiach! On the beautiful Isle
of St. Croix, one of El Elyon's soldiers was born. From the Tribe of Zebulun came forth this young, bellicose,
& humblelion! I came to do Yah works, not skylark! I have been trodding as a Yisraelite ever since from creation! Since
I was living in St. Croix as a child, I heard about Israel but never knew its importance until I learned from others about
the Twelve Tribes of Yisra'el. As a youth I kept reading the Scriptures about the Children of Yisra'el. I was very
much intrigued into learning more about the Nation of Yisra'el.
I knew Yisra'el was imbedded in me! Being brought up in the Christian
church, I didn't see the Truth in it at all. However, even though the Christians didn't show the truth literally,
I still learned about the Hebrew Yisraelites. Of course as a Caribbean person, I had to identify with the Yisraelites
looking like me. If you also read the Bible, it clearly states that the Yisraelites were very much dark. It wasn't until later
on in college that I learned more about Yisra'el from certain people.
I have become a Yisraelite again through El Shaddai
and by communicating with Yisraelites. As a Yisraelite, I have the love of
YAH in my heart, soul, and mind! I kept reading the Hebrew Scriptures(TaNaKh) on our twelve patriarchs, and their tribal
blessings. Being a Yisraelite is spiritual, cultural, and traditional. To be an Yisraelite
the works & the love must be shown! You must also be able to assist in spiritual upliftment of this Yisra'el of Yah, by
spreading the Good News about the Kingdom and Yahshua to them! I am a Yisraelite(Prince of El) and always will be!
I do thank Yahwah for all the twelve sons of Yisrael and Diynah too!
I intend to do Yah works, as we are all laborers of Him!
I read my Hebrew Bible because we couldn't forget that! I encourage ones to
seek it through reading the Torah which basically has our Yisraelite History. I say one love to my people in St.
Croix. Shalam to my Crucian Massive, my Caribbean people, & all over the world! Yisrael is calling you! Yah
bless all the Twelve Tribes of Yisra'el! As a Yisraelite I will always stick to Yahshua Ha Mashiach who is my Master
Moreh! Give thanks to the Father for His Beloved Son!
Blessed be
Yahwah, Our Elohiym of Yisra'el!