Black and Yahudiy Check out this site on Black Americans who are Yahudiy( so
called Jews).
The African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem This is the official webpage of Ben Ammi's congregation in Dimona,
Israel also uplifting the Nation of Yisrael.
United Nation of Yahwah Another Hebrew Israelite group uplifting the Nation of Yisrael.
The Hebrew Israelite Marketplace Check out this webpage to purchase Hebrew products(tzitzits, books,
garments, music, dvds, etc.)
Israelite World.Com Check out this site for Israelite music,& videos.
Israelite Torah Covenant Ministries Ha Yisrayli Torah Brith
Yahad is another Hebrew Israelite webpage based on African Edenic History.
What would Yahushua do? A good webpage discussing the true name of Ha
The Assembly of Yahowah the Eternal This group has some good information on the Father's name,
Yahowah, and Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.
The Nazarite Site Check out this site based on the Nazarene sect and the Followers
of the Way. Good information here by the author.
Yahweh's Sword Check out this Israelite webpage on the name of Yahwah and Yahshua
Ha Mashiyach not G-d and JC.
Fossilized Customs Check out this site on the Messianic Faith and the Nation of Yisrael. Though
this site is run by a Yah fearing Gentile and not an Israelite, he still has some good information.
Ancient Hebrew Here is a good website if you would like to learn
ancient Hebrew or palaeo Ibriy. Ancient Hebrew is the language of our Hebrew ancestors not modern Hebrew.
The Afrocentric Experience Here is a great webpage on Black History.